Sunday, March 14, 2010

freaktastic- a picture post!

today's picture post search word is: freaktastic. warning: searching for things titled "freaktastic" might bring up unwanted items.

Here are the GOOD results i found!

..... a baby shower cake with an uber creepy baby coming out of a clothed womans body...

............... another baby shower cake with mohawked babies riding carrots... ????

... i think anyone with this intense of a sweet food craving is NOT going to fit in that dress.

.... i feel like i REALLY need an explanation for this one...

her outfit, hair, shoes, and that wierd stick with a tail are all NOTHING compared to her camel toe. now that's freaky....

.......and THAT is freakTASTIC!


Naida Lee said...

okay so the pictures came out small.. but if you click on them you'll see detail.

Kelsy said...

lol that's HILARIOUS

luke said...

Wow. Just wow. That's all.